Foodie Friday and voter registration collab serves BBQ sandwiches and voting resources

Paige Sanders, Reporter

Cal Lutheran Student Life hosted Foodie Friday and partnered with Civic Engagement and Leadership to put on an event to get students more educated about the voting process. The event took place on Friday, Sept. 30 in Kingsmen park. 

โ€œMy goal is to get more people educated on how to vote, how to register to vote, and understand that itโ€™s important to vote. Itโ€™s fun to vote and we are the people who are impacting our future and our present,โ€ said Civic Engagement and Leadership Student Intern Franky Pagel. 

Students could participate in an activity to win different prizes, while the Itโ€™s In The Sauce Barbeque food truck provided students with free smoked chicken or tri-tip sandwiches and chips.