Health Services provides resources for birth control, sexual health

Xanthe Schaub

Director of Health Services, Saul Miller, presenting information at the ‘Birth Control 101’ event.

Xanthe Schaub, Reporter

The Wellness Resource office held a “Birth Control 101” workshop and invited Health Services to collaborate to inform California Lutheran University students about their reproductive system as well as birth control questions and concerns. The event took place in the Kingsmen Room at the Student Union on Wednesday, Feb.8. 

“There are numerous forms of birth control, including surgical procedures such as tubal ligation and vasectomies, hormonal birth controls such as birth control pills and injections, barrier methods such as condoms and diaphragms, and fertility awareness methods such as trying to time sexual encounters at different points in the menstrual cycle,” Director of Health Services Saul Miller said in an email interview. 

Miller said that Health Services offers different varieties of birth control at low costs, while also providing male and female condoms that students are free to grab without having to make an appointment. Birth control offered at Health Services can cost as low as $10 a month and as high as $27 per three months. If students are looking to be prescribed these medications, they can make an appointment at the Health Services office. 

While discussing the options offered at Health Services, Miller said birth control options vary in effectiveness, cost and possible side effects.

“Because of this, I always encourage individuals to discuss all of these aspects with their medical provider when choosing a birth control method,” Miller said. 

Miller said a birth control’s effectiveness can vary because of factors like how the birth control is employed and how precisely it is used. 

“Research shows that surgical procedures like tubal ligation and vasectomy are the most effective, reducing the chances of pregnancy to less than 1%,” Miller said. 

With the “Birth Control 101” event, Miller said he hopes the event helps inform students about their options for birth control. 

“I hope students who attend the program will learn how the different birth control options work, how effective they are, and what types of side effects they might expect, “ Miller said. “I also hope this program will answer common questions about birth control and dispel some common myths about birth control. “

Senior Paola Chavez, a leader for Wellness Resources, shared her experience planning for upcoming events and their available resources on campus.  

“People can feel free to come into our office and ask for any information,” Chavez said. “We always have a stocked cart right outside our office full of pads, tampons, pregnancy tests, condoms and whatever you need for sexual health and hygienic health.” 

Chavez said Wellness Resources puts on events pertaining to physical, mental and sexual health, similar to this event.

“We hope to bring a holistic approach to health, because as college students it is a stressful time, and it is important for us to be educated about health from a young age in order to help ourselves,” said Chavez. “For most people, it’s their first time being away from home and learning how to take care of yourself is what Wellness Resources hopes to help out with.”

Health Services will be providing free STD testing for students on Tuesday, Feb. 21.  For more information regarding sexual health, visit the Health Services office on Luther Avenue or Wellness Resources in the Student Union.

This article was updated at 2:20 p.m. on Feb. 15 to correct that the Wellness Resource office held the ‘Birth Control 101’ workshop and invited Health Services to collaborate with the event. We regret this error.