California Lutheran University’s Annual Safety Report for the 2023 calendar year showed an increase in reported stalking incidents and domestic abuse, as well as a higher record of alcohol documentation from previous years.
The report, released by Cal Lutheran’s Safety Department, lists various safety incidents that took place on campus, noting seven instances of on-campus stalkings. Five of the incidents took place on residential facilities. Additionally, there are two recorded instances of domestic violence, and four liquor law violations reported.
These statistics showcase an increase in reported crime on campus compared to previous years.
“We saw an increase in stalking due to a single incident of stalking that involved three separate reporting parties. Stalking statistics are counted per person that the stalking behavior is directed toward,” Director of Campus Safety at Cal Lutheran David Hilke said in an email interview.
Hilke clarified that the reported incidents of domestic violence involved the same parties as the stalkings and that the occurrences were referred to as two separate incidents due to the separation of time between the reports.
Cal Lutheran’s Director of Counseling and Psychological Services Anna Guerin said that stalking can have a physiological impact on victims.
“An individual may experience increased stress, panic, panic attacks, reduced functioning across life domains, potentially using maladaptive coping tools, depression or low moods, difficulty in interpersonal relationships, and increased irritability or feeling on edge,” Guerin wrote.
In lieu of this, she explained the importance of psycho-education, pertaining to healthy relationships and boundaries in order to see the warning signs.
“In relationships where abuse of power occurs, there may often be a decline in self-worth and an increase in self-blame or shame,” Guerin wrote. “Shame multiplies in silence, so, as a clinician, I encourage individuals to find a supportive space to discuss their concerns and seek help.”
Counseling and Psychological Services, or CAPS, is a space that provides mental health services to all Cal Lutheran students, according to Guerin. She said that while CAPS staff are not Title IX reporters, they help students access Title IX resources.
Cal Lutheran also has several services that may be provided for stalking or dating abuse victims, according to Guerin.
“Every situation is unique, but generally speaking therapeutic or case management support can assist students in processing their thoughts and feelings, learning coping tools, and engaging in discussions about resources,” Guerin said.
According to Hilke, there are several ways in which reports of domestic violence are handled by the university.
“Campus Safety works closely with the Office of Residence Life and Student Conduct and will provide resources to the reporting party about options for, available assistance in, and how to request changes to academic, living, transportation, and working situations or protective measures,” Hilke wrote.
Hilke explained how Cal Lutheran will make these accommodations or provide necessary protective measures if the reporting party requests them and they are “reasonably available.” These are options for students regardless of whether the reporting party chooses to report the crime to law enforcement, according to Hilke.
Hilke said he encourages students who want to report incidents or seek help to contact Campus Safety immediately. Hilke said Campus Safety will assist students with contacting the local police if the student wishes to file a formal police report.
The Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD), includes Moorpark College, Oxnard College, Ventura College, Ventura College East Campus, and Oxnard College Fire Technology Academy. The Annual VCCCD security report for 2023 includes the crime statistics for each of these schools, and, when compared to Cal Lutheran’s numbers, shows one instance of domestic violence at the Moorpark College campus in comparison to Cal Lutheran’s two. At all of the schools in the VCCCD, there were no instances of stalking, and four liquor law violations on the Ventura College campus.
The remainder of the offenses reported on the VCCCD security report indicates that Ventura College has the most incidents, and the remainder of the schools have significantly less incidents than both Ventura College and Cal Lutheran. According to Cal Lutheran’s safety report, the university had more stalking instances than all of the schools in the VCCCD combined.