California Lutheran University's Student Newspaper Since 1961

The Echo

California Lutheran University's Student Newspaper Since 1961

The Echo

California Lutheran University's Student Newspaper Since 1961

The Echo

    NEWS BRIEFS: On Campus, Across the Nation & Around the World

    Government shutdown ends
    After a 16-day shutdown, the U.S. government reopened on Oct. 17, meaning  federal agencies, parks, websites, museums and monuments did as well. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell reached an agreement that funds agencies through mid-January calls for civil servants back to work and raises the debt ceiling to $16.7 trillion, the fifth raise since 2008. The bill passed on Oct. 16. The Senate agreement was reached with an 81-18 vote and a few hours later, the House followed, approving the measure 285-144, according to the Washington Post. Republicans joined in on the measure and gave President Barack Obama a bill to fund the government and increase the Treasury Department’s borrowing power which led the government to meet the critical default deadline with one day to spare.

    Belgian skydiving plane crashes
    On Oct. 19, a plane carrying passengers for a skydiving trip crashed in southern Belgium killing all 11  on board the flight, 10 skydivers and one pilot, according to Fox  News. About 20 minutes after the plane took off, witnesses saw the plane lose height quickly and crash on a field in a nearby town. Three parachutes were found near the crash site; however, no one was hurt on the ground because skydivers were not able to jump out, according to Mayor Jean-Claude Nihoul. Belgian Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo confirmed the news of the crash and gave his condolences to the victim’s families.

    LA Times editor fact-checks letters
    People with skeptical global climate view sending in letters to the Los Angeles Times are likely not to get their piece published, according to The Washington Times. Editor of the paper’s letters section, Paul Thornton, wrote in his letter that those skeptical of mans’ role in climate change are often wrong and he doesn’t print inaccurate facts. The letter has fired up scientists who have written these types of letters.  However, Thornton explained that his policy was misinterpreted, and that it is no complete ban on climate skeptics, but eliminating “factual inaccuracy”. The Los Angeles Times set the tone for other newspapers to join in on the cause and keep inaccurate climate skeptics off the pages.

    Teen suspended for being D. D.
    High school senior Erin Cox of Mass. lost her position as volleyball captain and was suspended from five games after picking up a drunk friend from a party, according to Huffington Post.  Cox said she got a call from a friend at a party who was too drunk to drive. Cox went to pick up her friend and arrived at the party just as the police showed up. Authorities confirmed that Cox was not drinking, but school officials punished her for violating a no tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol. The Cox family hired a lawyer and sued the school district. However, a judge ruled that the court did not have jurisdiction. The family’s next expected move will be taking the case to the federal court.

    Yellowstone protects native trout
    Yellowstone Park officials are worried that the rainbow trout, which were introduced to the waters more than a hundred years ago, are pushing out native fish, the cutthroat trout. In order to protect cutthroats this year, the park started requiring all other fish caught to be killed in three fishing areas where cutthroat trout still exist. According to Fox News, the plan is causing worries for some fish lovers who fear it will decrease the overall amount of fish and the mass amount of tourists who bring economic growth to the area. The Yellowstone plan was created in an effort to try and fulfill a government mandate to return the parks wilderness to its original state.


    Savannah Robinson
    Staff Writer
    Published Oct. 23, 2013