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California Lutheran University's Student Newspaper Since 1961

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California Lutheran University's Student Newspaper Since 1961

The Echo

    Tensions in Ukraine worsen

    Conflict between Ukraine and Russia has become increasingly violent with Ukrainian forces killing five pro-Russian militants on April 24 around the southeastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk, according to CNN. The murders were in response to Russia initiating military drills near the border, which was seen as โ€œopenly threateningโ€ to Ukrainian acting President Oleksandr Turchynov.

    The mounting tension between Ukraine and Russia led to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden visiting Ukraine and reaffirming U.S.โ€™s support on April 22. After the events on April 24, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said, โ€œIf Russia continues in this direction, it will not just be a grave mistake, it will be an expensive mistake,โ€ according to CNN.

    Although the U.S. has not made promises to intervene militarily, should it be involved at all?

    The clashing of Ukraine and Russia may be making headlines now, but conflict between them has existed for centuries. Although Russiaโ€™s invasion of eastern Ukraine is not justified, the U.S. stepping in may worsen the situation, especially if our intentions are not for the good of the Ukrainian people.

    โ€œWhen we think about this issue, people get very emotional about it and you have to try to gauge where that emotion is coming from,โ€ said global studies professor Sundar-Jovian Radheshwar in a Google+ webcam interview. โ€œIf itโ€™s coming from an authentic desire to help Ukrainian people because of the fact that we understand, and are historically invested in their conflict, then thatโ€™s one thing. But, if it comes from the idea that we have to go save the world and be the worldโ€™s police, I think that could only end up badly.โ€

    The U.S. intervening too quickly could make the situation escalate into something much more violent than if Ukraine and Russia were to discover possible solutions among themselves.

    โ€œWe need to be cautiousโ€ฆ We both have nuclear weapons and we canโ€™t really do a full out invasion or anything like that. I think we just need to help Ukraine assert itself and give them aid,โ€ said Brandon White, a senior political science major.

    As nice as it would be to imagine countries helping other countries solely for the good of the people, it is more likely that assistance comes when personal interests need protecting. For the U.S., supporting Ukraine and its independence from Russia would protect the hundreds of millions of dollars invested in Ukrainian pro-democracy organizations.

    When anti-Semitic leaflets were distributed to Jews in eastern Ukraine on April 28 asking Jews to register and pay a fine, Kerry denounced the act as โ€œgrotesqueโ€ and โ€œbeyond acceptableโ€, according to ABC. The media was quick to place blame on the Russian government and although anti-Semitism should not be tolerated, the US should not be so quick to react without knowing the truth behind the situation.

    โ€œThatโ€™s kind of a really confusing situation because thereโ€™s two options here: whether theyโ€™re really anti-Semitic and or thereโ€™s a false-flag operation which means someone else is trying to frame the Russian government,โ€ White said. โ€œEither way thereโ€™s problems there about who is at fault.โ€

    The U.S. may have a right to protect its interests, but if intervening will lead to increased violent tension then perhaps patience and strategic, separated involvement will provide a better result.

    โ€œThese countries can develop something on their own, so if we get involved and we steer things towards whatever our interests or agenda happens to be, people on the ground will be alienated,โ€ Radheshwar said. โ€œThe voices of people in those nations are actually left out of the equation.โ€

    Putin furthering the borders of Russia by invading eastern Ukraine by force is something that has not been done since Hitler and it sets a bad example for the rest of the world. Global studies professor Francois Zdanowicz believes Putinโ€™s justification is that people of that area speak Russian and so Russia has a right to protect those people. What is to stop other countries from invading and controlling areas where citizens speak their language and identify with their culture?

    โ€œNow in the 21st century, in a time when we have the United Nations and global coalitions, itโ€™s no longer seen as a good option to invade other countries in order to gain land. Russia is really just invalidating all of these global treaties and all of this peace thatโ€™s happened in the past few decades,โ€ White said.

    The U.S. has every right to protect its allies and interests, but getting involved too soon or too forcefully will only produce a more violent outcome.

    โ€œI think that at this point the best thing to do for the US government is not to intervene. If the Russians really invade, the Americans donโ€™t have to send soldiers. Very easy, all they have to send is weapons. They can do it very quietly,โ€ Zdanowicz said.

    โ€œFirst, we have to see how the Ukrainian forces will manage on their own. If thereโ€™s no evidence that the population in eastern Ukraine is harmed by the crackdown from the separatists then maybe things will die down by themselves,โ€ Zdanowicz said.


    Monicaย Linares
    Staff Writer
    Published April 30, 2014