California Lutheran University's Student Newspaper Since 1961

The Echo

California Lutheran University's Student Newspaper Since 1961

The Echo

California Lutheran University's Student Newspaper Since 1961

The Echo

    College is too Soon for a Committed Relationship

    A relationship in college is something that people want but don’t always need. Some people get into a relationship in high school feeling as if they’ve met their soulmate and carry it onto college. As much as I do hope it works out for the people who feel this way, I also think that the chances of it going the distance are not very high.

    I spoke to a college student named Zane Thomas who is putting this to the test.
    Zane has been dating his girlfriend for two and half years. They met as seniors in high school and continued dating into college. They are both from the San Diego area, but Zane ended up going to school in Wisconsin, while she decided on school in Massachusetts.

    “It was a lot of texting, a lot of FaceTiming, Snapchat. A few times I also went out there,” Thomas said.

    After only a year going to school out of state, both decided they were going to pack up and head back to San Diego. This led to their relationship getting stronger due to less distance, but even though they remain together, Zane isn’t a firm believer in the idea of soulmates.

    “There’s always that possibility, but realistically there’s so many people out there … I’m playing it by ear. My personality is just going with the flow, and right now I am rolling with it. I could definitely see us having a future,” Thomas said.

    Like Thomas, other college students are committed to the idea of being with the one they met in high school or college. In my opinion, these two stages of life are far too early to be committed to someone.

    I was in a relationship that began my senior year in high school and just ended this past summer going into my senior year of college. We did the whole “high school sweetheart” thing and left Texas to come out to California and enjoy the Golden State. Although it came to an end, I will most definitely cherish the moments, but I am glad that I didn’t commit. Now I have time to myself and these years of life are important to grow as a person.

    “College is a time where you are truly learning all about the ins and outs of what makes you who you are … I chose to end my relationship because I felt that I had my own future to worry about, let alone someone else to worry about” said Stefanie Laschuk who is a writer for a college experience blog named Society19, in an article titled “5 Pros and Cons of Being in a Relationship in College.”

    What Laschuk said in the article is the truth when it comes to college relationships. My relationship required me to travel into Los Angeles in order to meet up, and I began to get my priorities all wrong because I wasn’t experiencing anything for myself at school in order to maintain the happiness of someone else.

    There’s also the issue of giving up opportunities for others because you may feel that you need to spend time with your significant other, rather than take care of things to progress in your life.

    “Even if you think you found ‘the one,’ don’t give up an opportunity for them. Turning down an internship so you can spend the summer with your boyfriend could jeopardize your future. Likewise, you’ll regret skipping study abroad. Only in college will you have so many great opportunities. Take advantage, and look out for yourself,” said Sarah Beckman in an article for USA Today College.

    Many may think it is hard to separate themselves from the one they have feelings for, but it allows you and them both to truly enjoy college. It definitely won’t seem like the best idea at the moment, but once you start school and meet hundreds of new people it will be easier to move on than anticipated. There will be no conflict in deciding on whether or not you hang with new friends or Skype with your boyfriend or girlfriend. You will also have one less distraction from your studies.

    I don’t want to make myself sound like someone who is sour about relationships because mine didn’t work out. I just want to sway people away from making a decision that will take a lot of valuable time from their life.

    Gabe Naudin 