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California Lutheran University's Student Newspaper Since 1961

The Echo

California Lutheran University's Student Newspaper Since 1961

The Echo

ASCLUG Executive Cabinet Elections This Wednesday, Thursday

The Associated Students of California Lutheran University Executive Cabinet seats for president, Senate director and Programs Board director are up for election on Blackboard Feb. 27-28.

President Candidate Stephanie Figueroa "I have been involved in student government for three years, one year as a Programs Board Representative and 2 years as a Senator. My most notable projects were the student discount cards to make off-campus meals more affordable and You Matter...Period, where I pushed for accessibility of pads and tampons in the Community Cupboard and Residence Halls. As ASCLU president, I promise to continue serving students first. Si Se Puede!"
President Candidate Stephanie Figueroa
“I have been involved in student government for three years, one year as a Programs Board Representative and 2 years as a Senator. My most notable projects were the student discount cards to make off-campus meals more affordable and You Matter…Period, where I pushed for accessibility of pads and tampons in the Community Cupboard and Residence Halls. As ASCLU president, I promise to continue serving students first. Si Se Puede!”

Voting will open at 8 a.m. Feb. 27 and close at 5 p.m. the following day.

There are four candidates running for president, three candidates running for Programs Board director and one candidate for Senate director.  The candidates are:

President Candidates

– Sophomore Senator Karyme Lara Chagoya

– Junior Senator Stephanie Figueroa

– Junior Senator John Basmajian

– Sophomore Senator Thomas Singelyn

Programs Board Director Candidates

– Sophomore Representative Azubah Collins

– Junior Representative Chelsea Dunmire

– International Representative Blessy Pinzon

Senate Director Candidate

– Junior Senator Kimberly Ann Lee

Seats in the Executive Cabinet are not the only positions available. The positions for ASCLUG public  relations director and finance director are also open and both can be applied for on the ASCLUG website. No previous student government experience is required.

President Candidate Thomas Singelyn "Serving on both Programs Board and Senate, as well as my time working alongside the Executive Cabinet, has given me the best insight into the CLU community, allowed me to directly serve the student body, and enabled me to build close relationships with students, staff, faculty, and Regents. As President, I will strive to keep college affordable, work to address the housing and parking shortages on campus, and act as a voice for every student."
President Candidate Thomas Singelyn
“Serving on both Programs Board and Senate, as well as my time working alongside the Executive Cabinet, has given me the best insight into the CLU community, allowed me to directly serve the student body, and enabled me to build close relationships with students, staff, faculty, and Regents. As President, I will strive to keep college affordable, work to address the housing and parking shortages on campus, and act as a voice for every student.”

In order to start campaigning for positions, Executive Cabinet candidates attended an interest meeting. Ghattas said running for one of the positions requires at least one year of experience in ASCLUG, full-time junior or senior standing and a minimum 2.5 GPA.

Collins said she would like to implement different ways for the student body to put in their opinions about the events on campus. Collins said she thinks a lot of students do not feel comfortable confronting a government representative about their opinions.

“I’m really going to go out of my way to talk to students and get more communication with all the people from the student body. I want to talk to others and hear what they want,” Collins said.

Presidential Candidate Karyme Lara Chagoya "Participating in Senate over the past two years has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I wish to apply that knowledge if I am elected President. I want to bring change to our campus and not only represent the student body, but also be a strong voice for us all."
Presidential Candidate Karyme Lara Chagoya
“Participating in Senate over the past two years has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I wish to apply that knowledge if I am elected President. I want to bring change to our campus and not only represent the student body, but also be a strong voice for us all.”

Dunmire said one of her campaign goals is transparency. She said although student government legally has to release the budget online, she does not think that information is easily accessible for students.

“I think they should also have a say in that…I don’t believe in secrecy as a marketing tactic,” Dunmire said.

Pinzon has been on Programs Board for two years. She said she has noticed that not all communities on campus are being represented.

President Candidate John Basmajian "If I am elected President, I will continue to serve the student body and promote the needs of the University as my foremost concern. With many years of student government under my belt, I am well equipped to provide students with the support and resources that they need to be successful both on and off campus. I am looking forward to working with you to make our school the best that it can be!"
President Candidate John Basmajian
“If I am elected President, I will continue to serve the student body and promote the needs of the University as my foremost concern. With many years of student government under my belt, I am well equipped to provide students with the support and resources that they need to be successful both on and off campus. I am looking forward to working with you to make our school the best that it can be!”

“Awareness is important—I’ve been talking to people and explaining what ASCLUG is because from what I have seen, there’s a great percentage of students that have no idea what ASCLUG stands for or what they do,” Pinzon said.

Lee said she thinks she stands out because she has been on Senate for three years and is “heavily involved” on campus.

Lee said the student body should know who is representing their voice and that she would encourage students to speak up.

PB Director Candidate Chelsea Dunmire "ASCLUG exists to serve you. I believe Programs Board should plan events that you want to attend. You should know where your student fees are going and have a say in it. The Programs Board Director should listen to you, your wants, and your needs. Vote for Chelsea to bring the events you want to Cal Lutheran."
PB Director Candidate Chelsea Dunmire
“ASCLUG exists to serve you. I believe Programs Board should plan events that you want to attend. You should know where your student fees are going and have a say in it. The Programs Board Director should listen to you, your wants, and your needs. Vote for Chelsea to bring the events you want to Cal Lutheran.”

“There should be transparency in that. I feel like a lot of students don’t realize they’re the deciding factor in what projects we do,” Lee said.

Singelyn said he wants to act as a voice for the students. He said he wants to focus on some of the issues within the administration as well.

PB Director Candidate Blessy Pinzon "I have been part of ASCLU Programs Board for two years as an International Representative. I have supported, planned and led events like Crepetastic, Monte Carlo, Spring Formal, Competing for the Crown, and many others. As a future Programs Board Director, I will advocate for events that show inclusiveness and diversity within CLU community. I want to serve as a voice of change that will encourage the representation of the smaller communities on campus."
PB Director Candidate Blessy Pinzon
“I have been part of ASCLU Programs Board for two years as an International Representative. I have supported, planned and led events like Crepetastic, Monte Carlo, Spring Formal, Competing for the Crown, and many others. As a future Programs Board Director, I will advocate for events that show inclusiveness and diversity within CLU community. I want to serve as a voice of change that will encourage the representation of the smaller communities on campus.”

“Every year, we welcome a bigger freshman class but the administration hasn’t made any infrastructure changes,” Singelyn said. “The amount of classes we offer hasn’t changed and it’s making it harder to graduate in four years.”

John Basmajian, Karyme Lara Chagoya and Stephanie Figueroa were not able to meet for an interview with The Echo, but were contacted.

Senate Director Candidate Kimberly Ann Lee "Hi all! My name is Kimberly & I have served on Senate for my entire time at CLU, three years. These past three years have made me very passionate about representing the student body. I’ve been able to have discussions about lighting on campus and sustainable efforts on campus. If elected as Senate Director I want to continue advocating for sustainability and continue to head efforts on student voice being heard across campus."
Senate Director Candidate Kimberly Ann Lee
“Hi all! My name is Kimberly & I have served on Senate for my entire time at CLU, three years. These past three years have made me very passionate about representing the student body. I’ve been able to have discussions about lighting on campus and sustainable efforts on campus. If elected as Senate Director I want to continue advocating for sustainability and continue to head efforts on student voice being heard across campus.”
PB Director Candidate Azubah Collins "I have been part of ASCLU Programs Board for two years as an International Representative. I have supported, planned and led events like Crepetastic, Monte Carlo, Spring Formal, Competing for the Crown, and many others. As a future Programs Board Director, I will advocate for events that show inclusiveness and diversity within CLU community. I want to serve as a voice of change that will encourage the representation of the smaller communities on campus."
PB Director Candidate Azubah Collins
“I have been part of ASCLU Programs Board for two years as an International Representative. I have supported, planned and led events like Crepetastic, Monte Carlo, Spring Formal, Competing for the Crown, and many others. As a future Programs Board Director, I will advocate for events that show inclusiveness and diversity within CLU community. I want to serve as a voice of change that will encourage the representation of the smaller communities on campus.”
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